Absolutely Gorgeous
2 Photographers
2 Videographers
No time limit on wedding day
Separate Bridal photo session
Engagement Photo shoot for announcement
Custom designed wedding announcement
50 Page, 12X12 hardbound wedding book or an ipad with all photos loaded onto it*
Full video coverage, edited to music, on a Playable DVD with custom DVD menu**
1,200 to 2,000 photos total
Basic photo corrections on all photos
In depth Photoshop work on 30 photos
1, 20X30 movie poster or other photo of your choice.
Order prints priced at my cost directly from the website
Web hosting of all photos
All photos on DVD disks
*Tough choice, an absolutely amazing 12″ X 12″, 50 page, hardbound photobook, printed on lay flat photo paper or a 16 GB iPad 2 with Wi-Fi and all your pictures loaded onto it. If you choose the iPad option and you want a more expensive iPad than the 16GB, each step up in upgrade is an additional $100, just like the Apple website.
**Don’t forget to let us know what music you want on your video.